
Ice Pro™ ice bagging bin


Follett’s Ice Pro allows operators to realize fast payback and increased profit by taking control of your ice supply. Eliminating third party deliveries and unknown demand, you can bag ice when you want and only store as much as you need.

Ice machines are sold separately. Find Follett Chewblet® nugget ice machines here.

Product Details

Width: 33.75" or 52" (85.7 cm or 132.1 cm)

Capacity: 650 lbs or 1000 lbs (295 kg or 454 kg)

Ice Dispensing: Automatic or semi-automatic

Ice Type: Compatible with cube and Chewblet ice; not for use with flake ice

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Specification Sheet

Specifications for jug and cooler kit used with Ice Pro

Form# 6000
Revision Date: 4/1/20


Follett's full line product brochure for foodservice applications

Form# 8300
Revision Date: 12/2/24

Features and benefits of Follett ice storage and transport systems

Form# 3700
Revision Date: 4/2/24

Specification sheet for Follett's ice storage and transport systems and accessories

Form# 8590
Revision Date: 4/2/24

Learn how you'll earn higher profits than buying packaged ice and get a faster payback on your purchase

Form# 3470
Revision Date: 3/1/20

Increase your profits on bagged ice. Ice Pro can pay for itself in less than 2 years.

Form# 8355
Revision Date: 8/1/22

Provide sanitary ice for construction and work sites with Ice Pro

Form# 8770
Revision Date: 5/1/20

Fill ice chests and coolers at central dispatch locations with a Follett Ice Pro ice dispensing bin

Form# 3690
Revision Date: 3/1/20

Fill ice displays faster and more safely; increase profits on bagged ice

Form# 8865
Revision Date: 9/1/20

Sanitary ice - needed now more than ever. Horizon Elite ice machines, gravity dispense bins, Symphony Plus dispensers and Ice Pro bagging bin.

Form# 8775
Revision Date: 5/1/20

Price List

Prices in USD. Effective April 1, 2024. Revised January 13, 2025.

Form# 4025
Revision Date: 1/13/25


Increase your store's profits by bagging your own ice with Ice Pro. Produce bagged ice with Ice Pro for about 20¢ per bag instead of purchasing it pre-bagged for up to $1.00 or more. 

Quick and easy demonstration of how to use Follett's DB1000 Ice Pro bagging system

Technical Documentation and Videos

Installation, Operation and Service

Installation, operation and service manual for units above service number D51557

Form# 00109710R13
Revision Date: 2/1/14

Installation Instructions

Installation instructions

Form# 00138099R00
Revision Date: 12/1/06

Cleaning Instructions

Cleaning instructions for Ice Pro model DB650

Revision Date: 12/1/14


Be a real pro and learn how to quickly and safely change ice bags on Follett's Ice Pro automatic ice bagging and dispensing system. This instructive video covers refilling bags on the Ice Pro DB650 series and the DB1000 series.



Item# 00932517 Foot switch for DB650
Item# 00979013 Jug and cooler kit for DB650
Item# 00979583 Jug and cooler kit for DB1000
Item# ABLEGEXT Leg extension kit raises unit by 6.50" (16.51 cm) to accommodate carts up to 36.00" (19.44 cm) and bags up to 40 lb (18 kg) and 33.83" (85.93 cm) high
Item# 00116434 8 lb (3.6 kg) ice bags, 125 bags per wicket, 8 wickets per case
Item# 00138370 20 lb (9.1 kg) ice bags, 125 bags per wicket, 4 wickets per case
Item# 00137711 Bostitch P-7 C-ring plier for closing bags
Item# 00137729 Staples, blunt end, box of 2500
Item# 00112771 SmartCART 75 ice cart with 3 Totes ice carriers, 75 lb (34 kg) capacity
Item# ROTOCART SmartCART 240 ice cart, 240 lb (109 kg) capacity
Item# ICS125L Cambro ICS125L ice cart, 125 lb (57 kg) capacity
Item# ABICETOTP Totes ice carrier, set of 6
Item# 502263 Totes ice carrier, single

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