Ice DevIce ice bin with bagger attachment
Ice DevIce double door ice bin with two SmartCART 75

Ice DevIce™


Follett's Ice DevIce bins use gravity to dispense ice, dramatically reducing the chance of human contact with ice by eliminating the need to scoop and carry it. Operators can easily dispense up to 125 lbs of ice in seconds and transport easily with Follett SmartCART ice transport carts.

Ice machines are sold separately. Find Follett Chewblet® nugget ice machines here.

Product Details

Width:  76.2 cm to 182.9 cm (30" to 72")

Capacity: 209 kg to 2107 kg (460 lbs to 4640 lbs)

Ice Dispensing: Gravity dispense

Ice Type: Compatible with cube and Chewblet ice; not for use with flake ice

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Specification Sheet


Follett's full line product brochure for foodservice applications

Form# 8300
Revision Date: 12/2/24

Ice machines, ice dispensers, ice storage and transport bins for foodservice applications

Form# 6800
Revision Date: 4/1/23

Ice•DevIce uses gravity to eliminate scooping for cleaner, safer ice

Form# 8330
Revision Date: 7/1/18

Ice•DevIce uses gravity to eliminate scooping for cleaner, safer ice (Spanish)

Form# 8330_SPA
Revision Date: 7/1/21

IceDevIce uses gravity to eliminate scooping for cleaner, safer bagged ice

Form# 8445
Revision Date: 2/1/20

Sanitary ice - needed now more than ever. Horizon Elite ice machines, gravity dispense bins, Symphony Plus dispensers and Ice Pro bagging bin.

Form# 8775
Revision Date: 5/1/20

Price List


Follett ice storage bins with gravity dispense eliminate scooping ice by hand to deliver cleaner, fresher ice for your customers and save time and effort for your staff.

Why should you choose Ice DevIce storage bin?  It offers more efficient operation, dependable ice freshness and smaller footprint when compared to other bins. Non-mechanical Ice•DevIce's design uses gravity to remove ice from the bin — just open the front chute and ice flows out of the bin and into SmartCART ice cart.

How does Ice DevIce outperform a slope front bin?  Ice DevIce saves time, keeps ice cleaner and provides safer ice transport. Non-mechanical Ice•DevIce's design uses gravity to remove ice from the bin and into SmartCART ice cart.

Do you need to upgrade your upright to an Ice DevIce? You can make your ice storage and transport faster, cleaner and safer with an Ice DevIce. Non-mechanical Ice DevIce's design uses gravity to remove ice from the bin — just open the front chute and cube ice flows out of the bin and into SmartCART ice cart.

Technical Documentation and Videos

Installation, Operation and Service

Installation, operation and parts manual

Form# 207897R09
Revision Date: 4/1/18

Reinforced top, required if ice machine weight exceeds 1000 lbs (454 kg)
Item# 00917054 Correctional package
Item# 00151647 10.00" (25.4 cm) stainless flanged legs (set of 4), for single door Ice DevIce only
Item# ABICEPADDL46 Ice paddle, 46.5" (118.1 cm) for single door b
Item# ABICEPADDL Ice paddle, 58.5" (147.3 cm) for double door bins
Item# AB36RAKE Ice rake, 38" (96.5 cm) for single door bins
Item# ABICERAKE Ice rake, 50" (127.0 cm) for double door bins
Item# 00146365 Ice scoop, 64 oz (1.9 L)
Item# ABICESCOOP Ice scoop, 82 oz (2.4 L)
Item# ABBAGGERKT Bagger kit
Item# 00112771 SmartCART 75 ice cart with 3 Totes ice carriers, 75 lb (34 kg) capacity
Item# ICS125L Cambro ICS125L ice cart, 125 lb (57 kg) capacity
Item# ABICETOTP Totes ice carrier, set of 6
Item# 502263 Totes ice carrier, single

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