CEE Tier 2 Qualified Products

The following Follett Maestro Plus ice machines and Symphony Plus ice and water dispensers qualify for the Consortium for Energy Efficiency (CEE) Tier 2 specifications for Highly Efficient Icemakers.

Ice Machines

Model Description
MCD425A Maestro Plus Chewblet® ice machine, air-cooled condenser
MFD425A Maestro Plus flake ice machine, air-cooled condenser


Ice and Water Dispensers

Model Description
110CT425A Symphony Plus 110 Series ice and water dispenser, countertop
110FB425A Symphony Plus 110 Series ice and water dispenser, freestanding
12CI425A Symphony Plus 12 Series ice and water dispenser, countertop
25CI425A Symphony Plus 25 Series ice and water dispenser, countertop
25FB425A Symphony Plus 25 Series ice and water dispenser, freestanding
50CI425A Symphony Plus 50 Series ice and water dispenser, countertop
50FB425A Symphony Plus 50 Series ice and water dispenser, freestanding